Palm Sunday: The True Hero

Superheroes and the propagation of their e epic stories have become a billion dollar business. 


Their unrivaled powers and mythical battles are both exciting and inspiring. Just like us, as everyday people, superheroes have their flaws, but unlike us they have ridiculous gifts and strengths that almost anyone would desire. These assets make them transcendent and in some respects widen and broaden their impact and influence on the world around them. 

One of the exciting and forgotten truths for the children of God is that we too have access to super power and to a Super Power. If we are in Christ, then we are “temples of the Holy Spirit” and He is dwelling within us. It is astounding to think that God Himself inhabits us. Furthermore, we learn that the Holy Spirit desires to produce some unique and dynamic fruit within us. Galatians 5:22 tells us, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” 

These fruits may not be powers in the way that we think of powers, but they are dynamic heavenly assets and character traits that can bring about change and transformation in the lives and communities in which we find ourselves.

However, these fruits are the Spirit’s, and they are something that He has to produce within us. They are not part of our default settings, and they are not something that we can bring into our lives through sheer will power. Our sin nature actually seeks to strangle these things and prevent them from ever actually flourishing. Like Superman there is kryptonite within and around flus that seeks to stifle the growth of spiritual fruit in our lives. 

There is only one Man who actually displayed all nine of these fruits to perfection. Jesus Christ is the true SuperMan! 

In this short Holy Week devotional we will look at how Christ revealed these fruits on His road to His death, burial, and resurrection. We will also examine how He seeks to produce this very same fruit in us by the power of His Holy Spirit as well as what kryptonite might exist in our lives that needs to be removed for this fruit to grow.

Creative Coordinator